FETP Indonesia 2022 Masters Education Scholarship Information
FETP Indonesia 2022 Masters Education Scholarship Information
Information on Indonesia's FETP Education Scholarships
Information and guidance on the FETP Indonesia Education Scholarship
FETP Indonesia Stakeholder Meeting, What will be discussed?
The FETP stakeholder meeting was held in the context of coordinating the formulation of the Indonesia FETP roadmap for 2020-2024 to increase the capacity of epidemiological personnel at all national, provincial, district / city levels up to the Puskesmas level.
Preventing Problems with Potential Outbreaks, 15 Health Officers in East Java Join FETP Intermediate Training
FETP Indonesia conducted training for the District Surveillance Officer (DSO) in East Java Province. This training was held for 7 months which was divided into 5 times in class and 4 times out class in the Health Service of each participant. The first class was held in April 2019 and the 5th class activity ended in December 2019. The number of participants was 15 surveillance officers or P2P program officers from 15 districts / cities in East Java Province.
Ministry of Health Sends Health Workers to Help the Earthquake in Palu
The Ministry of Health sent aid to health workers and medicine for victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Palu City, Central Sulawesi.
Indonesia needs thousands of field epidemiologists
Each region should have at least 10 field epidemiologists to help evidence-based health development planning.
Indonesia Experiencing Field Epidemiologists Crisis
Epidemiologists have a contribution in the field of public health. But now Indonesia is experiencing a crisis of epidemiologists.
Indonesia Still Lack of Field Epidemiologists
Indonesia is still very short of Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) or field epidemiologists to assist the country in investigating disease outbreaks.
How to make Smoke Free Areas Effective in Tobacco Control Padang Panjang, Indonesia
While Indonesia has not ratified the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control through the Convention on Tobacco Control, the Indonesian government has made its own regulations, including Smoking Free Areas