FETP Indonesia

FETP INDONESIA MASTER EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP 2022 A. GENERAL The Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) in Indonesia is a master's education program in field epidemiology with a learning by doing and competency-based method with the aim of strengthening the surveillance and response system in Indonesia through strengthening human resources in the field of field epidemiology. The curriculum applied at FETP is an adaptation of the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) curriculum which is an applied epidemiology training program by the U.S. Globally recognized CDC. The Field Epidemiology Masters Education Scholarship or FETP is a scholarship offered by Health Security Partners (HSP) in collaboration with the U.S. CDC and Indonesian FETP Secretariat, Directorate of Health Surveillance and Quarantine, Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia. This scholarship is intended for State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the health sector to take the FETP master's education level. FETP education is unique when compared to other master's education programs in the health sector. FETP combines on-campus lectures with field practice. The educational institutions providing the Masters in Field Epidemiology Program consist of five universities, namely the University of Indonesia (Depok), Gadjah Mada University (Yogyakarta), Airlangga University (Surabaya), Udayana University (Denpasar), and Hasanuddin University (Makassar). B. TERMS AND TYPES OF REQUIREMENTS FOR PROSPECTIVE SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Scholarship recipient requirements: 1. PNS Ministry of Health 2. PNS of health workers who work in the Provincial/District/City Health Offices, Regional Health Training Centers, Hospitals, Community Health Centers, and the Puskesmas service network. 3. The minimum working period is 1 (one) year from being appointed as a civil servant starting from education. 4. The maximum age on September 1, 2022 is 45 years. 5. Civil servants holding structural positions are willing to be dismissed from their structural positions. 6. Civil servants holding functional positions are willing to be temporarily released from their functional positions. 7. Do not have a degree in accordance with the level of education to be taken. 8. Never been sentenced to moderate or severe disciplinary action in the last two years. 9. Only for regular classes. 10. The specialization taken must be linear with previous education and/or current position. 11. Not in the process of moving to another agency. 12. Scholarship registration online 13. Lectures start in odd/odd semesters in 2022. C. COMPLETENESS DOCUMENTS Requirements for scholarship recipients are as follows: 1. Fill in the Registration Form at the link below: https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/6711737/Permohonan-Beasiswa-FETP-Indonesia-2022 2. CV (upload) 3. Scan the Decree for Appointment of Civil Servants (upload) 4. Scan the latest rank or position SK (upload) 5. Scan of Employee Performance Assessment for the last two years with each element of at least sufficient value (upload) 6. Scan of diploma and transcript of S1 grades (upload) 7. Scan evidence of accreditation of study programs at least accredited B or equivalent in accordance with BAN PT / LAM PT Kes, can be in the form of screenshots from the banpt.or.id website (upload) 8. The scholarship recommendation letter will be sent directly via email by the FETP Indonesia Secretariat and HSP to the email of the head of the registrar, according to the information written in the registration application. D. FINANCING 1. Scholarship funding comes from HSP in collaboration with U.S. CDC. 2. Participants who will be funded are participants listed in the Decree on the Determination of the 2022 FETP Indonesia Masters Education Scholarship Recipients. 3. Scholarship financing is valid from Odd 2022 until the education period according to the curriculum (two years). 4. Components and amount of scholarships awarded to participants are: a. Tuition fees determined according to the Official Tariff Pattern (Rector's Decree or statutory provisions) consist of Tuition Fees and Development Contribution Fees, as well as Matriculation. b. Non-Education Fees are determined in accordance with the Ministry of Finance Regulation which consists of living expenses and book support costs. c. Research Assistance Fee set by the Ministry of Finance d. Other Assistance Fees consisting of arrival and return costs. E. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE Date (subject to change) Application Deadline : March 31, 2022 Announcement to Participate in Interview Selection : May 13, 2022 Scholarship Graduation Announcement : 31 August 2022


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Jl. Percetakan Negara No.29, RT.23/RW.7, Johar Baru
Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta 10560

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