FETP Indonesia held training for the District Surveillance Officer (DSO) in East Java Province for the first time in Indonesia. This training was held for 7 months which was divided into 5 times in class and 4 times out class in the Health Service of each participant. The first class was held in April 2019 and the 5th class activity ended in December 2019. The number of participants was 15 surveillance officers or P2P program officers from 15 districts / cities in East Java Province. The FETP Intermediate training aims to build DSO competencies in applied epidemiology so that they can carry out tasks according to the main tasks assigned. This training is a place to develop the competency of health workers in increasing the capacity to prevent, detect, investigate and respond to potential outbreaks. Each participant was given a practical field assignment namely evaluating the surveillance system, investigating outbreaks, and conducting research in groups.
This training refers to the US-CDC Intermediate FETP curriculum that has been adapted to the needs of Indonesia and compiled by a drafting team from the Indonesian Ministry of Health Surveillance Sub-Directorate, BBPK Ciloto, East Java Provincial Health Office, Murnajati Latkesmas, with support from the FETP Secretariat.
The sessions in In Class 5 consist of five sessions namely; a) Overview In Class 1-4, where the facilitator coordinator presents an overview of training material from In Class 1-4; b) Ice Breaking season facilitated by MoT from Laturn Murnajati; c) Presentation of the results of the field practice, where all participants presented the results of the study in the form of Evaluation of the Surveillance System, KLB Investigations, and group research on the Completeness of the 10T Antenatal Care (ANC) in Mojokerto City in 2019; d) Post-test was facilitated by the Laturn Murnajati UPT team using questions prepared by the FETP Secretariat. The problem to be solved is 30 multiple choice questions and problem solutions. The time given is 60 minutes; e) Closure by the Sub Director of Surveillance, which explains that each participant shares his knowledge with his colleagues and surveillance staff at the puskesmas. All competencies obtained in the training can be applied in the institutions and the work of each participant. In addition, participants and field mentors were also asked to make follow-up plans for their respective institutions after this FETP Intermediate training activity.
At the end of the event, a training certificate was given to each participant by conducting a graduation procession and there were awards for the best FETP Intermediate graduate participants, the best posters, and the best oral presentations. The best graduate was won by Astari Marullyta, SKM from the Banyuwangi Health Office, the best poster was achieved by Mochamad Suyono Yakhya, S.Kep, Ns from the Mojokerto City Health Office and the best oral presentation was won by Ririn Restuningati, Amd.Keb from the Health Office of Tuban.
This In Class 5 activity is the last activity of FETP Intermediate which is also the closing. The next stage was, participants presented the results of field practices in their respective health offices; Participants carry out follow-up plans that have been prepared with the field supervisor; Evaluation of the training will be carried out six months after the training in June 2020. It is hoped that participants who have been trained will become problem solvers in their respective districts / cities.